Antoine Verglas

Antoine Verglas

Antoine Verglas est né à Paris et s’installe à New York en 1990. Sa persévérance lui permet de publier dans Elle une série de photos avec certains des plus grands noms de la mode. Ses portraits très personnels de Linda Evangelista, Claudia Shiffer, Stephanie Seymour, Estelle Lefébure Hallyday ou encore Cindy Crawford lorsqu’elles devenaient de véritables stars l’ont rendu célèbre à son tour. Ce style intimiste de photographie qui permet de faire ressortir la personnalité du modèle l’a amené à travailler pour les meilleurs magazines de mode du monde. Il partage sa vie aujourd’hui entre son studio de Manhattan et St Barth où il vient travailler régulièrement.  Son attachement à l’île date du début des années 90 quand il rencontre sa femme Christiane,à qui il doit un premier enfant Julien né sur l’île et une boutique Clic Gallery depuis quelques années a Gustavia.

Photographer Antoine Verglas was born in Paris and moved to New York in 1990. Pluck and persistence paid off, with a documentary style photo series for French Elle which featured some of the top names in modeling. Shooting Linda Evangelista, Claudia Shiffer, Stephanie Seymour, Estelle Lefébure Hallyday and Cindy Crawford at home in very personal portraits just as they were reaching celebrity status was his big break, and indicative of the style which has become the Verglas signature. This intimate style of capturing the person behind the camera has led to the rapid pace of work Verglas now has shooting for the world's top fashion magazines. He shares his life today between his studio in Manhattan and St Barth where he comes to work regularly. His attachment to the island dates from the early 90's when he meets his wife Christiane, to whom he owes a first child Julien born on the island and a shop Clic Gallery, for a few years in Gustavia.