Previous Exhibitions
Gabriela Berrutti and Julie Fumat at Barnes Agency
16 photos by Julie Fumat and 4 paintings by Gabriela Berrutti in Gustavia, 19 rue du Roi Oscar II
Mehdy Maxor at the Airport
9 photos at St Barthélemy's Airport, mixing St Barth's luxury life of today with that of yesterday
David Drebin at Christopher
David Drebin's exceptionnal Solo Exhibition with 9 photos at Christopher Hotel
Julie Fumat at Le Barthélemy
An exhibition of 16 photos from Julie's Azure Series at Le Barthélemy Hotel from April to July 2022
Let there be light at the WallHouse
A collective exhibition in the WallHouse Museum in summer 2021. With Igor Couston, Julie Fumat, Vanessa Thuillier, Pati Guyot and Luca Bornoffi
Ben Watts
10 photos in the Lobby of Barnes Agency's prestigious offices in Gustavia, rue Oscar II
Michael Gramm at Le Barthélemy
January 2020
Philippe Savary at Christopher Hotel
January 2020
Art Day at Nikki Beach
With Christel Astakhoff in December 2019
Nouveaux Talents à Ociela
Juillet 2019 avec Faiza Bel, Bruno Dreyer et Frédéric Tétard
Fanxi Delarue at Christopher Hotel
June 2019
Hoboki at Pati's Gallery
March 2019
Gabriela Berrutti at Christopher
February 2019
Iles Soeurs at the WallHouse
A collective exhibition in February 2018 with Florence Poirier Nkpa, Dany Bret Dibat, Roger Moreau, François Lamort, Tess Verheij, Michael Doudeau and Cati Burnot
Double Influence at the WallHouse
A collective exhibition in February 2018 with Jean Verrechia, Hoboki, Antoine Verglas and Eric Demarchelier
Rose Garden at Guanahani
With Jean Verrechia in March 2017